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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Veterinary bacteriology: information about important bacteria
Veterinary bacteriology

Species/Subspecies: Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum
Etymology: Genus name: fungus shaped.
Species epithet: exists in the goat (the ram).
Subspecies epithet: see
Species epithet.
Significance:Has been reported from Africa, Australia, Europe (not Sweden) and USA.
  [Of minor importance]   
Type Strain: California kid = ATCC 27343
Macromorphology (smell): Forms small and very typical umbonated colonies ("fried egg appearance), which can be observed in a microscope.
Micromorphology: Very small and pleomorphic. Non-motile.
Gram +/Gram -:G-, but is normally not gram stained because the cells will then be fragmented.
Metabolism: Facultatively anaerobic. Energy source: glucose (pH is decreased).
Other Enzymes: Urease -
Fermentation of carbohydrates: Glucose +
Spec. Char.:
Special Media:
Disease:Mastitis, pneumonia, polyarthritis, septicaemia.
HostsDiseaseClinical picture
GoatPolyarthritis, septicaemia, mastitis and pneumoniaArthritis, which can result in paralysis and blood poisoning. Reduced milk production.
Sheep and cattleThese animal species may also be affected
Genome Sequence:
Acc-noStrainSize (bp)Genome
NC_007633 ATCC 27343T 1 010 023  

16S rRNA Seq.:
Acc-noStrainNumber of NTOperon
U26046 California kidT 1 524 

Mycoplasma capricolum  
Seven species have been described within the revised genus Mycoplasma to which Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum belongs. Two of these species are divided into four subspecies. These species and subspecies belong to the so-called the mycoides group and they are closely related to mollicutes within the genus Spiroplasma. This genus contains many plant pathogens. See the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 119:1). Note that it is only for the mollicutes of the mycoides group that the letter M stands for Mycoplasma. For the other species, M means: Mesomycoplasma, Metamycoplasma, Mycoplasmoides or Mycoplasmopsis.
Comment:Based on whole genome sequencing, the taxonomy of mycoplasmas has recently undergone a comprehensive revision. The new taxonomy has now been introduced in VetBact. For some mollicutes (mycoplasmas) the names have not changed and this applies to members of the mycoides group. Read more about the revised taxonomy of the mollicutes under the Term list of VetBact and see also reference 164 below.
Reference(s): No. 164

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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences